Wednesday, 2 April 2008

I'm Back!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, ive been busy recently, but dont worry t.t.r.d is back! This is a small unknown blog, but i like to keep it that way, because the stuff i share is different to what other blogs are sharing, so those lucky few that check and/or stumble across this site can get some real gems!

To start things off, heres three songs you may like :D

Zoot Woman - Taken It All (Le Knight Club Mix)

Benjamin Diamond - Rich Personnality

Raw Man - Across The Universe

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Adele Remix

It's not very often i post my own songs/remixes on here but i feel this one needs it. Its my remix of Adeles forthcoming single 'Hometown Glory'

Adele - Hometown Glory (Night Facilities Remix)

Saturday, 5 January 2008

We Meow, You Roar

new year, new music.

Dada Life return with the new single 'We Meow, You Roar', it grooves along, has some really suttle but nice changes and some gorgeous sounds. Its not your epic, huge track but it would be a great middle track in a set.

Dada Life - We Meow, You Roar